"Just a harmless suggestion... we will stick with Raiders for the moment! Episode V: Empire Strikes Back?"

"Do you even come to this list anymore? Anyway, like the above I'm also not too satisfied with Raiders from the 80's but how about When Harry Met Sally? It started a whole new romantic legacy, if you "

"1. High-School Music 2. Sound of Thunder 3. Halloween H20: Twenty Years Later 4. Love don't cost a thing 5. Chopping mall 6. Dragonball 7. You again 8. Batman & Robin 9. Alien vs. Predator 10. Dumb & "

"1. 12 Angry Men 2. Forrest Gump 3. Ben-Hur 4. The Shawshank Redemption 5. Cinderella (1950, Disney) 6. Donnie Darko 7. Titanic 8. Reservoir Dogs 9. 2001: A Space Odyssey 10. Nosferatu"

"Why don't they nominate Jim Carrey for an Oscar?? btw, great list and I love the first one!"

"@Johan: Do you have a Notepad or PDF version of this list somewhere or do you repeatedly keep pressing "Load More Items"...? Cuz that's hard!"

"Good idea but frankly speaking, I'm tired of watching the same ol' usual suspects ranking the top spot (or at least the top 50)... I think it's time to bring out the lesser known films! You said "sug"

"Mel Brooks, in Blazing Saddles, also plays another role: A tough, grunting town person! If you've seen the film, you will know!"

"I know you didn't make all this but, honestly speaking, many are quite boring but I will vote for this anyhow!"

"1. Exorcist 2. Cloverfield 3. Cold Souls 4. Bridge to Terabithia 5. Planet Terror"

"The "featured list" in Life Is Beautiful redirects back to this page... Mistake?"

"It's funny that Kim Jong-il died almost a year later after this list! Anyway, great work and it has been added here: http://www.listal.com/list/most-unique-listal-lists"

"Of course, he must have given a great insight on his selected movies somewhere..."

"12 Angry Men... You don't get to know the names of 10 Jurors!~"

"Disturbing but strikingly great pictures! Thank you for sharing with me!"

"Great list but I've seen Panic Room and it's definitely not the worst from David Fincher... It's actually one of his best! The worst is Aliens 3!"

"A little mistake: The song Pump It never comes in Pulp Fiction. The song borrows heavily from Misirou by Dick Dale, which does appear in the movie."

"Thanks for adding my review, Props! I hope you complete this list soon... can't wait!"

"Thanks for including me there Xana! You're one in a million.. well, there are others but you're there too! Anyways, this is THE LIST that's supposed to be promoted rather than all those porn lists! I"

"The Olsen twins should never be on this list... Ugly then, ugly now! Anyway, nice list!"

"Nice, short and very to the point! This list deserves more votes!"

"Love this list, Xana! Boy, I thought I was the only one who thought Yoda was a weakness.. Glad to find someone! A little mistake if you don't mind: It's supposed to be Galaxy rather than Galaxie!"

"All this time I realized I didn't vote... Well, I did it now! Anyways, I personally think that it's high time that James Cameron be awarded the AFI Lifetime Achievement Award... Wha do you say?"