"Count me in: 1. The Beatles 2. Deep Purple 3. Metallica 4. Iron Maiden 5. Megadeth 6. Foreigner 7. Black Sabbath 8. Guns 'N Roses 9. Led Zeppelin 10. AC/DC"

"No problem at all... Yea, I got a few: Deliverance, Fight Club, The Audition, Eraserhead, Metropolis, Psycho, Night Of The Living Dead"

"The title should be "Films that shocked the world" Anyways, you gotta add more!"

"Thank you and even I haven't played any Silent Hill games considering game-to-film movies, Silent Hill is one of the best! It delivers shocks, scares and thrills at the right moment! Give it a try, y"

"The 2000's really played a good host to horror. After the disastrous movies of the 90's, they redeemed it in 2000's. I've seen many movies you've listed. From the one's you still haven't seen, I sugge"

"Johan, I don't know whether he fits here or not but try out Ismail Gulgee... A Pakistani artist! Let me know!"

"You don't seem to have any Spider-Man titles! I've played quite a-many games in my time and I'm also thinking of making a list!"

"You've only done 13! Try to add Million Dollar Baby, yea?"

"Even though I voted long time ago, It's just this that what you've written about Steve Buscemi is quite unforgivable. I love your selections but I disagree on that comment. He may look a little diff"

"... And is it me or do I see Karloff - and - Lugosi in almost every frickin' poster?"

"Thanks for all the votes & comments but the thing is that I had saved the list on my computer and the list was accidentally deleted and therefore I have forgotten many... Apologies!"

"I see you've finally created one... A great one at that and even though you picked the same ol' usual suspects, it's the picture choices that led me to vote!"

"Man, you really know your stuff and you really 'let off steam' in a good way though! I like your comments and thoughts and in some movies, I'm 100% with you! Another thing I've noticed that you have "

"Great, as usual, but I gotta say that (in my opinion) 90's was the worst decade in horror movies! Sure, we had Misery, Silence Of The Lambs and a few others but, that's it! It was cluttered by too ma"

"I was holding off voting all this time and now it deserves more votes!"