"Really great selections and my fingers are itching to reveal my Greatest Songs list after seeing how many members have uploaded their favourite songs and boy, your one beats them all by miles! Just y"

"I've seen 24 and have to say: You have good taste here and like all the other curious members here, I will give Deliver Us From Evil a try!"

"It's good to see you've caught up with some of my absolute favourites! If you need more help - I doubt you do - feel free to check out my movie lists! Loved reading your thoughts, btw!"

"Most of these silver-screen adaptations were weak and disappointing!"

"A little suggestion: You might wanna add Wizard Of Gore! I've seen the film and It's currently residing in my greatest movies list (although on a very low position) and I thought I might share it wit"

"Woohoo, I saw Hellraiser and I immediately voted! Great poster selections!"

"@ Ranzkind: Yes, Alexis was 19 and she portrayed a 16 year Rory!"

"I never knew about Jason Earl's real age and It was most shocking! Anyways, you should add Keiko Agena from Gilmore Girls! She was 27 and she played a 16 year old Lane Kim in that show!"

"Man, you really know your music! I haven't even heard half of these... Guess I'm more of a oldies guy! How about adding Endgame of Megadeth or have you already done that? On a further note, this "

"Haha, great! Despite all that, Scrooge McDuck is still pretty self-centered!"

"HSM: China? You caught me completely off-guard with it! I agree with all except for Mean Girls... It was quite good!"

"How did they turn the worst cartoon show into a 'must-have' toy? Brilliant!"

"All right I will! Pulp Fiction is an excellent choice anyhow!"

"Great selections here and It's tough choosing one from each decade but the only thing I would like to say is that I think Fight Club for the 90's would be a better choice, what do you say? After all, "

"Leo is so young... What's his age with the teddy bear?"

"Avatar No. 1 & Titanic No. 2! Ha, take that Spielberg!"

"What a coincidence: Even my first PS1 game was Ridge Racer! Btw, great selections!"

"Love the Laurence Fishburne, Heath Ledger & Brandon Routh pictures!"

"I think I might watch Wild At Heart! That's the one film I've been meaning to watch most but after seeing your comment, I'm having second-thoughts! Would a die-hard David Lynch or Nicolas Cage fan en"

"Johan, what about Oliver Hirschbiegel's Das Experiment (2001)? Tell me whether it helped or not!"