"These Frighten Me More Than Freddy Himself...."

"Yea, Steven Tyler Is Quite Ugly! Especially When He Is Smiling With Run D.M.C! I'll See If I Can Get A Photo! And Maybe Check Out Keith Richards Also..."

"Apart From Resident Evil, I Agree With Most! And Hey, You Have Seen Run Sister Run? I Thought I Was The Only Fool In The World Who Saw It... It's Good To Know, Anyhow!"

"Vito Is Ranked So Low But Great List With Many Unusual Characters... How About Checking Out Mine?"

"No. 30 'The Dark Knight' It's 'Why' Not 'Who'... Mistake!"

"Oh Come On... I Thought These Were Your Personal Selections.... Why Cant You Make Your Own?"

"Oh Come On... I Thought These Were Your Personal Selections.... Why Cant You Make Your Own?"

"Its Always Good To Read Your Lists Cuz You Give Reasons! Not Only Pictures... Good Job!"

"Great List But RED Was Quite Good, Eh? And Yes, Valentine's Day Was Awful...."

"Not Bad... How About Checking My List? Its Still A WIP But I've Added Like 35 Or Something... Tell Me Wat You Think Of It..."

"Great List... But Give A Reason Also! Makes It More Interesting... But Good Choices There!"

"The List Is Spot-On And Entertaining! If Easier To Criticize Others But Hard To Take One! If You Can Take One, Then Criticize Otherwise, In The Words Of Bob Dylan, 'Dont Criticize What You Can't Unde"

"Not To Be Rude Or Anything, But You Have Copied The Descriptions From EMPIRE Magazine Online Site Yea? Cuz They Are Very Familiar...."

"How About Arnie & Maria Shriver? They Have Been Going Strong (Ooops) Since 1986! And Steve Buscemi & Joe Andres (Since 1987)! How About Carl Reiner & Estebelle Lebost? (64 Years) "