"From the 15, I think I was the only one who saw the whole thing... I like it and I appreciate the hard-work put into this! @Johan: I think you forgot to read the description box on the right... I hop"

"1. Gilmore Girls 2. Friends 3. Prison Break 4. The Prisoner 5. Batman (80's cartoon series) 6. Pimp My Ride 7. MTV Cribs 8. Tom & Jerry 9. Looney Tunes 10. Law & Order"

"Er, you might wanna place a "comma" between childhood and jerks! "

"I don't know whether it's eligible or not but what about Fantastic Four?"

"I just love this list... hope this grows and I'm loving the updates!!"

"Woah, that's the best Gillian Anderson picture I've seen... good list!!"

"1. Haze 2. Diablo II 3. Limbo 4. Alan Wake 5. Thief: Deadly Shadows - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/c/c3/Thief_Deadly_Shadows_boxart.jpg/256px-Thief_Deadly_Shadows_boxart.jpg 6. Freed"

"Wait, am I to understand that you hate all the superhero films? "

"Honestly speaking I don't care about the rankings but I like the points you've written on both Highlights and Disappointments for each movie... my thoughts exactly!"

"He also didn't like The Usual Suspects http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/19950818/REVIEWS/508180304/1023"

"@Jaytoast: Heartless has a male gigolo and has a rather semi-important scene in the film... does that count? Anyway, how about Clueless? The main character, Christian turns out to be gay and one of t"

"Great selections... I've read so many I don't even know which ones to recommend and which ones to keep in hold! I hope you might update this anytime soon..."

"This is great... I've read a few so far and something tells me I won't stop unless and until I read ALL! I may never be able to rank this much but however, care to see mine?: http://www.listal.com/l"

"Awesome list but please add the Chainsaw from TCM and the flesh gun from Videodrome... let me know!"

"This is great, Johan... lists like these I appreciate because this is hard work! I'm gonna read them all and thank you for sharing..."

"WHAT?? no James Cameron...? why? anyway, I like the other selections!"

"He really is photogenic and much better looking than these "wax-models" we're getting in Hollywood right now..."

"Not sure whether this qualifies but what about Phoebe Buffay/Ursula Buffay from FRIENDS?"

"Why isn't this list growing?? I like the concept..."

"@Johan: No problem... and what about Norman Stansfield from Leon?"

"You might wanna change the picture of Planet of the Apes... it's Cornelius and he was the good guy. The bad guy was Dr. Zaius"